Dec 2020

TV series


Produced by

Levitate Film



Written by

Pauline van Mantgem
Inge Nirvana

Directed by

Paula van der Oest
Barbara Bredero


Juliette van Ardenne, Ricky Koole
Nick Golterman, Daniel Boissevain
Nora El Koussour, Fred Goessens

When Noor’s relationship ends again, right before the holidays, she decides to turn her failure into a success. She opens an employment agency for the lonely. While she and her two colleagues accompany total strangers to Christmas drinks at the office, to elderly homes and frat parties, Noor’s family is made to believe she’s on a trip to the Maledives with her fiancé. But when her father gets into an accident, she can no longer avoid facing her family. Or herself.

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Release March


TV series

The Jewish Council

From no other country in Western Europe during the years 1940-1945 so many Jews were deported as from the Netherlands. How could this happen?